Thursday, May 26, 2011

I know I posted this a while back on my twitter (BTW follow me if you haven't already! I always follow back:) But I just want to say again how much I like this new Shawn McDonald song. There is something banal about it, but I can easily overlook it for the lyrics, which are so realistic. He's singing my thoughts. One of my best played songs on the guitar is his Gravity song.
But when you learn a song you start noticing the lyrics more than ever before. Because to sing it good, you have to feel it too. Therefor I came to the conclusion that his songs are a tad bit too depressing for everyday listening, playing, singing.
Still sometimes it's good to cry and at those moments these songs are a nice crutch to lean on.
Actually at those times, Jesus is the stretcher which you need to be carried on..