Sunday, February 28, 2010

They are back!

Parents and Shulamite came back yesterday noon, right on my birthday ofcourse. I was so excited, it's just unexplainable! but, Ofcourse, I was sick, I never actually really get sick, but of all the days in my life, my birthday was the day, and so I was sick, still am, and so are 4 other people in the house.
It's preaty much cheerful to my surprise, the house is pumping with unending Christmas-like spirit in the atmosphere. I'm really happy. 
It feels so good to be loved. The kind of strong sincere love that fills you up to love others more. 
Shulamite, two years old, my little lovely sister, who feels more like a daughter. She's back...
We were painting a huge picture today..clouds, rain, airplane, ocean, lots of colorful people, birds, a guitar, balloons, and a shark. It's the most beautiful piece of art work I've seen in a while. Shula changed so much, and grew up. She is starting to talk and listen, and she is so incredibly polite! I was surprised, especially after some not-so-polite-or-diciplined- kids the whole week before. 
I don't even know how I'm going to let parents go away again in way. 
People who can't wait to get out of the house and live separately from their family and parents, they aren't people, they're just immature kids who haven't lived life yet.
 I'm so glad they are back from Ukraine, I never realized how much I missed them untill now, I always thought how sufficient I am, or I'd busy myself with something, but now.....
now I'm just butter melting apart. In a good way