Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I don't recognize myself when I write. I don't recognize myself when I look into pictures of myself. I don't recognize myself in this life. I feel like my soul is lingering between heaven and Earth and I'm about to go..
No I'm not depressed. Ever. and please don't think I'm weird. Don't write all of this off because of my parents being gone or my age. This has nothing to do with it. I'm actually pretty optimistic. and wanting to be in heaven is not bad. and there's nothing depressing about it. And I hate how many times I use the word 'I'. Thats possibly the most depressing thing for me. and it's not like I'm thinking about I 24/7. It's just as soon as I start writing. maybe thats because I never talk about I, I hardly think about I, so I must write about I.
I think it's time for me to force myself to fall asleep now. good night.