Thursday, April 15, 2010

dependable insecurities

Whispering behind people's backs is never an effective way to communicate.

Don't you get that?

The only effective way to communicate is to let the fear of disaster go and say what you need to say. Even if things can go completely wrong and end up in a chaotic, confusing mess it is better to be honest and upfront than it is to hope someone will ask the right questions or say the right words.

People aren't dependable creatures; we're all plagued with the same insecurities.
The same worries.
The same biological functions that make abandoning what's inside our heads and hearts absolutely terrifying.

I am so fed up with the lack of communication that I witness between people everyday. And I'm saddened by the round about ways we've come up with in order to make honesty a group effort as opposed to an individual one.

I'm sure this is making no sense, but it makes sense to me (in my head, of course) and that's why I'm writing it down.

Don't hold me responsible for whatever you take from reading this.