Monday, January 25, 2010

amazing person

There is this one person at church yesterday, his name is Daniel Mitchell, he's amazing, left us all three speechless and amazed last night. No not because of what he gave, even though that was stunning beyond words, but his kindness, generosity, and sincere love, when he could have found tons of reasons to not do what he did, cause from our part we didnt do much stunningness in his eyes to deserve it, to deserve probably the most vast gift I had ever personally received.
Here it goes again, the effect of aftershock when I think about it, leaving me numb and speechless.
finishing drinking and than going on to do tons of stuff, spray painting today, finally I got to do this project that I've wanted to do, for a long time, probably since I was 3 hah, I can imagine Esther basically taking all the credit for it at the end. but I don't care now.