Wednesday, March 24, 2010

little things

What you won't say in someones face, don't write it. I can't stand reading overly punctually correct huge words and smart phrases types of writings. Yet before I try to take the speck of sawdust in someone's eye, I will try to take this log out out of my own eye first. Because I am too guilty of writing boring, long, meaningless, weird posts. What can I say? School must've ruined me with giving me high scores for my writings.
Can I just delete this whole blog and start over again? Just like I would like to do with the past 4 years in my life?
I'm so glad I'm getting this license...soon I will be able to ride away on a road trip for a day or two and just unload and come back and start again fresh, noticing new beautiful things, loving old ones, and treasuring everything, not taking these days for granted. The difference between just 'another' day & a very 'productive' day, is usually in your attention to the little things.