Sunday, March 14, 2010


A content feeling rushes over me at times. Like this past 2 weeks. Maybe because I gave up trying. Gave up being. Gave up getting somewhere. Living day to day just making sure my family is happy and thats it. I lost a dream I lost my passion. The worst thing is that I'm so saddened that I became content. content with everything little and happy at most.
But where's that burning desire to go far. Where is that desire for those things I read about in the Bible. Where did I lose it? What did I do?
I want to climb a mountain, a hill..find a waterfall, and jump of into the air, water, space get hit with sharp sparks of ice water and the scales of tiny fish.
I want to wake up..Spring is the only season of the year that I'm not crazy about, yet right now, at this time just like Spring, I want to reawaken, refresh, get out of this dry and fried and frozen and withered season of life. I want more God.