Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I love full moons, it's like someone above forgot to turn off a little light at night. I like getting out of a nice long shower to find everyone sleeping leaving my night all up to me. Yes this is this kind of night.  Making myself some tea. If you dont like tea or coffee its because you have never tried a really good cup of it. You should ask me to make one for you. Thinkin bout how soon I'll be too far away. Too far away from my current worries and over-analazations. I think that once I said how a change of location never changes anything about your current situation. But in a way it does. It changes you when that 'away' means leaving the people who were such a big part of life behind and going somewhere where you wont see them or talk to them everyday like you used to. The only things that are left permanent to you is the necessities of life.....God, air, sleep, water, memories. I wish memories weren't eternal..but they are. They exist somewhere in your soul or spirit. That made me cringe, there are so many things I'd want to never remember.
To be honest I'm not looking forward to going to Ukraine or Belarus. A huge sigh escapes my mouth every time I think of it. Ironically what makes me sigh an even heavier sadder sigh is staying behind in America. If I got stuck somewhere in the air during the flight over the ocean I'd be pretty happy I think.