Thursday, July 7, 2011

My computer (as always) is over-full and overworked, because it seems like everyone who comes into our house thinks this is a public computer with free internet for everyone. But that's not the problem. The problem is THAT I JUST DELETED PERMANENTLY SOOO MANY PICTURES (including all my newish pictures on facebook, because it was linked to iphoto trash) I HAAAATTTTEEEE IPHOOOOTOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I NEEEEDDD TO VEEEEENNNNNTTTTTT!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KDJSFGGGHHHBBBMNSGFYUREFGI;OEWIO;DJKSGHFJYWTAR3ILQW3UEWJ,DGSHJS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As somewhat of an amateur photographer, I feel like a part of my heart has been chipped away. I hate iphoto. I hate losing my pictures forever. I hate using the word hate so much. 
Don't get me wrong,  I've actually have been having some really good 2 weeks so far... Yesterday I just wanted to sing to the world a top a bridge about what a good day it had been. But tonight.... ugh my pictures were so dear to me.