Friday, March 26, 2010

looking in the mirrow

Wondering if maybe drinking so much orange juice and not being home is making me this happy. Or maybe it's because Monday I will be a legal driver. Or because thats just what the Lord does, He fills you up when you seek Him, when you walk in His holy fear. 
Grandmother went back home to Seattle this morning. I hate to say this but I am glad. It's hard to be with elderly people, and if you add different view points on different things and a critical attitude, than thats just called shut your mouth and live through the time you are with this person who has lived so much longer than you.
Or it's called look in the mirror and see how much alike you are, no wonder you clash. And maybe that's just what happened. Made me realize that being so critical, serious, and perfect is such a pain when taken out of balance. 
Okay I better stop writing, it looks like I'm on the verge of slipping into boring typical phrases. Can't seem to write what I say on this thing called blogger...
But to finish everything off, I will add one more overused phrase; 
I am happy. period.