Wednesday, February 3, 2010

lets get different

Noticed how being with someone really makes you sound like those people you were around with. being around someone for more than an hour and you start acting like them and talking, even the voice starts sounding like them.
not that this is a revelation or something new, everyone probably knows this.
It's just one of those aspects I don't like. But we just can't sit around and surround ourselves by people we love and thats it. Or even worse, just be by ourselves and thats it. That's just plain selfish right there. we really got to reach out and get toppled over and changed into different people than what we were or would be if we were just around our ourselves and our loves.
Which is an aspect that I do love. everything new and....change. I'm thinking that I even like any kind of change, even for the worst as long as its something new. and that might be unbalanced I agree.
mmm...loved walking a big, adorable, graceful, none-biting dog on a leash last night while we were with the Avila family once again after a mexican restaurant. The Avilas are some of the most caring, loving, and sincere people I've met in a long while.