Friday, October 2, 2009


AHHHH!!! first day of October! I love Fall!!
you know how people sometimes ask you like 'whats your favorite season?'
I dont have an answer to that, because I love them all so much!
ofcourse Winter is, and probably always will be, #1
but all my Summers always end up being interesting periods and turning points in my life
and than Fall, just amazing! finally the heat, humidity and stress of summer falls and you have a fresh, chilly,-filled, new-begaining, anticipation type of months, which is great
Spring....well, I'm not crazy about Spring, and no I dont 'spring into Spring' etc. as we all know its the month when we humans and animals and birds fall in love, which is a surprise to me, winter seems alot more romantic than Spring. But still Spring has this good side about it where you can start preparing for Summer, Fall and Winter...
thankfully for me Spring comes and goes fast so I dont see too much bad or good in it, just a lukewarm type of love for it.......
.....I dont know, Spring is, just blank, always has been and, hopefully, wont always be.
I love change...and winter
but now its Fall and I love it as well so I'll enjoy it like never before!