Friday, December 18, 2009

long random thoughts

be prepared, this post might not be uplifting, fun, or cheerful. And I hate that. Because I like happy. I like cheerful. I like joy. No, I love joy.
So this post might not even be worth a read.
And another thing I really can't stand is when people make long dumb intro's into their tiny blogs and posts, really, no one cares.
people tend to care more about themselves, and maybe sometimes, their family, or their other few, three or less, loved ones. But that is it. Than we tend to take it out to impress each other, prove something, stand out, be better.
There are people, and it is very rare, that are so loving, self-denied, but also interesting as individuals and they just treat everyone on the same level, not putting anyone on a pedestal or bringing someone down to  below floor level. Those are rare and few. And I love them, I want to be like them.
Those are usually the people who have lived long and hard. They have learned something throughout decades of years. I truly want to be friends with them, the elderly have something....they have something that we young people shouldn't overlook.
Of course not all elderly. Not all at all. There are some, God forgive me, dumb elderly. Their character, personality, what they have to say, has not at all summed up to their old appearance and experience in life. I don't believe that wisdom comes from experience. Unless we analyze it and bring the hard lesson learned out of it.
This whole post is confusing me. In everything may God's will be done and who am I to judge?
I might be wrong.
Thus much said, I'm off to get ready for work tonight, coming back past midnight, I hope all goes well.