Tuesday, December 29, 2009

28th Dec. and parents

Wish I was with my parents in Kiev Ukraine yesterday. It was my dad's birthday, Dec. 28, a special day, and I just wish I was there. They moved into an apartment, a very good one for the record, on the 21st floor, with an interesting view from the window and just everything so interesting. We called them yesterday and sang our hearts out with a happy birthday song to him, and than dad said that 'Rebecca would love it here".
Of course I would.
I woud love to be with them, I would love to learn and watch them, I, unlike so many other people, actually take a huge example from my parents and especially my mom. They're defiantly the coolest and best.
A day is coming, I'm sensing its very soon, when I'll pack up my stuff and be on my way there, I know so, my parents are awaiting for me there already and they told me they need my help, so before Esther and david, I will first go there.
Just have to finish this school up fast. Don't even care how I'll finish, as long as its fast, don't care about the junk they've been teaching lately. I'd rather learn from life experience. Don't think its foolish, just maybe young to think so. I can always go back and re study all of this if I'll need it. ever.

Monday, December 28, 2009

wall of pictures

Sitting here, drinking and eating a cookie...looking at the wall in front of me. Its almost fully covered with pictures. Other than thinking that everywhere we go we end up pasting and putting up pictures everywhere. But other than that I thought I look at what and who is on those pictures.
So many people whom we've made a difference in and they made a difference in us. Mostly our Belarus church people. I miss them.
Humble, sweet, fun, creative people. So self-forsaken and God loving.
Surviving each day with God's grace. How firmly they hang on to God and believe, believe in the Unseen.
Unseen, but not Un-felt. Indeed God is possible to feel. To feel His spirit flooding into ours.
I feel so much peace just sitting here and thinking of those people. Could it be the atmosphere in them captured on picture, being translated through paper and flooding into this room? flooding into me? calming, charming...
Could be, could be...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

passion and perseverance repeat

Something that I wrote a few months ago, kinda wanna repeat it, its just so relevant as of today:
"Passion makes people beautiful. I can't stand how much I love it when I see people passionately doing whatever task that they have to do in life. especially music.
God created us to be passionate at all the good, great worthy things we ever have to do. every task.
weather it'd be washing floors, making coffee, planting a tree, picking someone of at the airport, swimming, writing, drumming, rollerblading,  greeting, eating a donut...
At everything.
I just hate to see when people carry it too far. but everything we do and don't do should have balance.
just like perseverance. perseverance is great and good and something we shouldn't over look, but guys, and gals too, please don't carry out your perseverance on each other in hopes of becoming someones significant other. thats where perseverance become aggravating, irrelevant, and just too much. Just like passion. This is not a subject where you have to 'knock and the door will be open, ask and it will be given unto you'
no. you tried 3 times in coming up and chatting, it doesn't roll (especially when 'you-know-who' hints that you're not their type), you drop it and move on.
seriously some people need to get some class, kiss the past and invest in a dictionary." 

just a prisoner of hope

With so much to say I often find myself saying nothing at all. Or too much at times when it would have been wonderful to shut up. 
Belief over misery, reminding myself. pessimism aggravates me..not only in other people, but also and especially in me. 
Prisoners of hope thats what we ought to be. A prisoner of hope..
I come to understand that I know nothing.
Eating a glazed donut. Gulping steaming hot coffee in a crystal cold glass.
I wish I knew what all the days ahead will bring.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Can't stand when people tell me I'm arrogant, or rude, or stuck up, or snobbish (although I do appreciate their sincerity...). But I cant stand it, especially when they wrap their little sentence up with 'and people never like those kind of people so..'
And I fully agree with them, I really do. And also I don't see a way out.
When people are treating me like a piece of charity project (like last night) thats my natural and only response; unconsciously.
If only there was a way to control that, and hide whatever piece of arrogance I might have.
 next time I might as well stay home
Except for I also fully realize that, not going anywhere, is impossible.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Grateful.. No matter how many attempts I have made at so many things and most of them didnt succeed. What I love the most and earnestly try to grasp, doesn't seem to be in my hands currently. And who knows if it will ever be. I try and fail. I take everything too seriously and I can't relax. I care too much about people and their problems. I'm full of so many flaws and I can't to seem to let go.
And still...realizing all of this, I fully am grateful. Not for myself, but for those around me.
For those who unselfishly and full of sincere love set for me an example...without possibly even realizing it. I might just go ahead and say that I'm grateful for the Zink family, for pastor Paul and Sharon Zink. I love them so much, not only for all they had done, and taken us out, and given us the perfect Christmas gifts for as long as I can remember.
I love them for them just being them, the natural amazing people that they are.
They have most defiantly played a major role in my life. And the saddest thing is that words can never describe, never ever describe how much I love them.
And how grateful I really am.

Also I really hate how this whole thought came out sounding, like some kind of Christmas essay. Not what I wanted, but this cold thats freezing my hands makes me just finish this up and, ah who cares if it's perfect or not?
Although I wish it was...

Friday, December 18, 2009

long random thoughts

be prepared, this post might not be uplifting, fun, or cheerful. And I hate that. Because I like happy. I like cheerful. I like joy. No, I love joy.
So this post might not even be worth a read.
And another thing I really can't stand is when people make long dumb intro's into their tiny blogs and posts, really, no one cares.
people tend to care more about themselves, and maybe sometimes, their family, or their other few, three or less, loved ones. But that is it. Than we tend to take it out to impress each other, prove something, stand out, be better.
There are people, and it is very rare, that are so loving, self-denied, but also interesting as individuals and they just treat everyone on the same level, not putting anyone on a pedestal or bringing someone down to  below floor level. Those are rare and few. And I love them, I want to be like them.
Those are usually the people who have lived long and hard. They have learned something throughout decades of years. I truly want to be friends with them, the elderly have something....they have something that we young people shouldn't overlook.
Of course not all elderly. Not all at all. There are some, God forgive me, dumb elderly. Their character, personality, what they have to say, has not at all summed up to their old appearance and experience in life. I don't believe that wisdom comes from experience. Unless we analyze it and bring the hard lesson learned out of it.
This whole post is confusing me. In everything may God's will be done and who am I to judge?
I might be wrong.
Thus much said, I'm off to get ready for work tonight, coming back past midnight, I hope all goes well.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

human sculptors

Don't exactly agree with this, would twitch it around, add some, detract some, but mostly this whole thing is truthful, and describes way too many people I know and don't know.

Monday, December 7, 2009

несколько новых новостей

Forgot to remember that it is December already
my left hand has a huge burn from making coffee, on that exact same hand, all my fingers are blistered from guitar and weed pulling.
front yard pretty much clean, alas my guitar isn't coming along as wonderfully
I have learned two songs and I play them as if I've never learned them,
sometimes I wish that we didnt have to put in so much effort to get what we want, love need, to get where we want to be.
school... almost done, this is my last year! Thankfully God gave me a revelation on what to do with my future education, I now am not going crazy wondering about the countless options of what to do with life and work and education. So thank YOU LORD!!!! I'm free indeed:)