"If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for." - Thomas Merton
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
From the inside out Lord, consume me. So deeply, so heavily and so passionately- that when those who are searching for You break me apart and tear me to pieces; they’ll surely find You. Saturate me Lord, so much so, that they would see me bare and laying there- and scan me down, from head to toe in wonder. They’ll pull at me, and flesh by flesh they’ll see- bone by bone, they’ll pick apart, knowing these bodily things inside of me are only masking what is hidden within me.. And as they are searching for the truth of my heart, for the way that I work, and pondering the way that I move and breathe- they will finally press through to the core of my being- my heart… There, they will see, find and know, that it was You all along. Your word, Your promise, Your sacrifice, Your presence, Your love, Your grace, Your truth and Your saturation that shone brighter than the sun. Envelope me, Lord, so they would see, that aside from flesh and bone- that there is nothing good in me, but You.
"Oh Lord, how precious You are to me; How thankful I am for Your blood which was shed for me; for every moment, every ache, every turn and every mistake, Your blood was preciously sacrificed for them all. And as You found me, in my brokenness and despair - surely You held me close and nurtured me, personally, intricately and delicately- You took me, and I found you working from the depths of my heart within; You took my humble life; undeserving as it was, and transformed it into royalty. You blessed me with the beauty of Your eternal presence, coursing through my veins, beating through my heart, inhaling and exhaling from within my lungs. You dwell from the very depths of my soul, You are my treasure and my one true love. How blessed I am to know You, my creator, my maker, my restorer and my King. I am a part of Your royal blood line, through my acceptance of You as my Father, and viewing myself as Your child. Oh Lord, despite my status of royalty in Your eyes, I will forever bow at the foot of Your throne; for You alone are worthy, of all glory, all honour and all praise. May my veins flow with your courage and confidence freely, and my heart beat for your burdens, always."
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